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How forensic accounting can uncover hidden assets in your divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2024 | Divorce |

In high-asset divorce cases, one of the most critical aspects is ensuring a fair property division. However, this can be challenging when one spouse attempts to hide assets.

If you are facing a high-asset divorce and think your spouse is hiding assets, what steps can you take to uncover the truth? In addition, how can you get a clearer picture of the marital estate so that you can fight for your fair share?

The role of forensic accounting in high-asset divorces

Forensic accounting is a specialized field that analyzes financial data by combining accounting, auditing and investigative skills. Forensic accountants use such skills to identify discrepancies in financial records and quantify losses.

In Oklahoma high-asset divorce cases, forensic accountants can help in these ways:

  • Identifying hidden income and assets: They can analyze financial records to identify unreported income, secret bank accounts and other hidden assets.
  • Tracing assets: They can trace the source and movement of funds to uncover hidden assets, such as offshore accounts or investments.
  • Valuing complex assets: Also, they can value complex assets, such as businesses, real estate and intellectual property.
  • Detecting fraud: They can identify fraudulent activities, such as embezzlement or money laundering, and provide evidence to support legal claims.

Meanwhile, there are several signs that may suggest the need for forensic accounting in your divorce. Aside from hidden income or assets, there could be suspicious transactions or discrepancies in financial statements. There could also be an unusual change in the spending habits of your spouse.

Aiming for a fair property division

As the complexities of high-asset divorce continue to evolve, it is crucial for you to be proactive in protecting your financial interests. By seeking legal counsel, you may better manage your divorce as you seek to protect your rights and aim for a fair property division.